Caught for Speeding? Georgia Speeding Ticket Lawyers Near Me
By: Traffic ticket attorneys and law book co-authorsLarry Kohn and Cory Yager (an ex-cop!)

In their basic training, Georgia police officers are informed about how misdemeanor speeding crimes are often involved in death and severe injury traffic accidents. Great emphasis is placed on speeding detection and writing these citations.
Get your FREE consultation with an attorney near me, who can analyze your case. Because every potential client’s "situation" is different, our award-winning law firm offers a no-cost, initial lawyer consultation. With your case facts and you providing your driving history, our legal professionals can help determine if you need private legal counsel, or a public defender for your case.
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Law enforcement officers are also taught that by having probable cause to stop speeders, the officer should be on the alert for other crimes, like DUI, transporting or possessing drugs, and other crimes, such as having an open container of alcohol or weed in their vehicle.
Those ticketed seem to be mostly interested in "How much is a speeding ticket in Georgia?" This is how they measure the value of hiring an attorney. Because repercussions relating to auto insurance premiums and jail time are now threats, a bad driving history (for judges in some courts) and points assessed can alter your thinking about traffic violations.
The National Safety Council's website provides greater detail on which age groups and genders have the heaviest lead foot. This quote sums up the threat:
"Speeding was a factor in 29% of all traffic fatalities in 2021, killing 12,330, or an average of over 33 people per day. The total number of fatal motor-vehicle crashes attributable to speeding was 11,057."
In Georgia, is speeding a felony? No, it is not. But states like Maine have what they call "criminal speeding," that can bring potential significant jail time and lengthy loss of driving privileges. This example confirms that staying within the speed limits is a great idea when driving out of state.
This message is meant to tell you that you cannot assume that Georgia's laws are America's toughest, because they are not.Virginia, North Carolina, and Connecticut may have that accolade, including felony speeding in other states.
Our legal firm is staffed with lawyers for speeding tickets, plus is connected to a STATEWIDE group of criminal lawyers in Georgia located in every corner of the State. Using this network, if it would be too costly for a speeding ticket attorney from our metro Atlanta firm to drive to and from your court, a skilled local traffic ticket lawyer from our William Head’s network of seasoned speeding ticket lawyers near me (near your Court location) can cover any local speeding ticket in Georgia.

Is a Speeding Ticket a Misdemeanor?
Because about one-third of USA states have traffic infractions, that are not misdemeanor crimes, a common question for our speeding ticket lawyers will be along the lines of, "is speeding a misdemeanor?" That answer is yes, but so is running a stop sign, failure to yield or crossing the gore and every other traffic ticket that involves a moving motor vehicle goes on your driving record.
In GA, a person has to factor in points added to their DDS in Georgia "demerit" points for convictions. This brings us to the question of, "how many points is a speeding ticket?" If 15 MPH or more over, between 2 and 6 points.
"How many speeding tickets before suspension" is a calculation that must be made by looking at the driver's record of convictions. The Georgia Department of Driver Service computer immediately calculates a driver's speeding ticket points, and flags the suspension for its agents, based on that number of points.
How do cops Prove you were Speeding? Detection Methods

Some clients are convinced that the officer who "clocked" them inadvertently were locked in on and tracking a nearby speeder. In GA, Such "identification" errors are difficult to prove, unless video evidence supports the claim.
Other clients ask our traffic ticket lawyers nearby how do cops prove you were speeding in court? The answer is usually one of five (5) ways:
- Laser
- Radar
- Pacing
- Estimation of speed based upon training.

How do cops prove you were speeding in court? To be able to carry its burden in court, various "steps" and documents are required to lay the foundation of both the detection device user and the device being certified. The regulations on this are covered in Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 570-7-.05.
Georgia Speeding Ticket cost: How Much Does Speeding Cost in Georgia?
Speeding tickets in Georgia can result in fines up to $1,000 and potential jail time. However, fine amounts are usually less than $1000, but State surcharges are also tacked on for all traffic convictions.
The chart below gives a sampling a demerit points schedule, for Georgia moving violations, but CLICK HERE, to see the fill DDS Georgia list. Certain serious driving offenses in Georgia (i.e., DUI, hit and run) do not carry points, because (by operation of law) every person convicted of these crimes is immediately suspended.

Speeding violations in Georgia are usually considered misdemeanors and can result in fines up to $1,000 and/or a maximum of 12 months in jail, although jail time is rare. The cost of a speeding ticket depends on multiple factors.
For extremely low tickets for speeding (e.g., under 10 mph over the limit) a "cap" is placed on fine amounts, to discourage municipalities and counties from running "speed traps." Half a century ago, some places in our State were notorious for such money grab locations, targeting out-of-state drivers.
What about a Traffic Ticket for Speeding in a Work Zone?
Statutes in Georgia outline the fines for exceeding the speed limit by different amounts, ranging from $25 to $1000, depending on the detected speed of that vehicle when "clocked." Be aware that a fine for speeding in a work zone, a construction zone, or a temporarily reduced speed area can lead to major fines, jail time, and additional fees imposed by judges.

New Consequences of a Speeding Ticket? Jail Time, may be Imposed for High Speeds
Besides a penalty, your speeding ticket might have other repercussions. If it is your initial violation, most adult age drivers usually do not need to be concerned about issues such as your driving license being revoked or your car insurance rates going up. If you are facing a super speeder GA citation, click this link for more information.
Depending on how much you exceeded the speed limit, you might also accumulate points on your license. Also worth noting is a trend (following the COVID pandemic) seen in dozens of counties where judges who are overseeing court cases for "triple digit" speeders (meaning going 100 mph or more) impose jail time on those drivers. This warning on high-speed traffic tickets applies to one or more of the traffic court judges in Atlanta Municipal Court.