Is DUI a Felony? DUI Laws in GA & Other D.U.I. Information
By: Cory Yager, ex-cop turned DUI lawyer GA and Larry Kohn, DUI Lawyer Atlanta for 25 Years, with both working with Atlanta criminal lawyer William Head for their entire law careers (Mr. Kohn worked for Mr. Head his last 2 years of law school, too)
Is DUI a felony in GA? All DUI cases in the Peach State are either a misdemeanor or felony offense. This article explains the factors that can push a case into the felony prosecution realm. Since 2008, a ten year lookback has made a 4th DUI offense a felony DUI in Georgia.
The first message is that NO one should try to face criminal charges alone, and not be represented. In addition, license suspensions follow ALL convictions, even a first offense DUI, and no lifetime prior offense. And, as stated above, a fourth DUI (alcohol or drugs) is a serious crime under Georgia law.
With such harsh potential punishments, the United States Constitution guarantees indigent individuals the right to legal counsel in all driving under the influence crimes. Those with prior DUI convictions (within that ten year look back period) will be dealing with massive increased penalties, if convicted.

Is driving under the influence a felony? In the State Georgia, every DUI conviction is considered a criminal offense and will be accused as either a misdemeanor or felony. Be aware that more than 90% of all cases, though, will be a misdemeanor DUI.
In GA, no expungement law allows a person convicted of DUI to take advantage of diversion, deferral, conditional discharge, or expunction of the DUI. Georgia's record restriction law prohibits any DUI or a reckless driving offense that started out as a DUI to be expunged. This applies to any misdemeanor or felony DUI remains on your permanent record, to the grave.
A 4th offense felony in GA within the prior 10 years is the most common DUI felony in GA. In counting back, use the dates of arrest to "measure" this 10-year period.
WARNING: If recently arrested for D.U.I., you have only 30 days to appeal or (if eligible) install a one-year ignition interlock device. DUI charges lead to a separate legal process for DUI arrests, which is CIVIL in nature.
A DUI lawyer near me needs to help you handle both the civil and criminal cases. It's important not to miss the 30-day deadline to act. Our DUI law firm provides free consultations to help you protect your right to drive on this IMPORTANT aspect of your case. If 15 days or more have already passed, since your DUI arrest, this is NOW AN EMERGENCY.
Do not miss this filing deadline, or you will possibly not be able to drive a for a full year. If you act in time, many will be able to opt install an ignition interlock device for 12 months. Others may ONLY be allowed to file a DDS GA appeal, which may be a path to keeping the limited driving permit a while longer, to see if you cannot be suspended early in the case.

Repeat DUI offenders may be sentenced to be jailed for 72 hours in jail to this incarceration being as much as 12 months in jail. In addition, that person's vehicle license plates --- all of them --- must be turned in during your court case. In addition, any conviction will necessitate attending a DUI school course, before a Georgia license can be reinstated.
After not driving for any purpose for at least 120 days on a 2nd DUI in Georgia, you then have to wait 18 months (or more) to seek reinstatement of your Georgia plastic license. This process requires paying reinstatement fees to regain that driver license.
What Makes a DUI a Felony in Georgia?
In all states, the legislative branch writes their laws, and every state and the District of Columbia, their legislators have enacted statutes that define when a DWI-DUI is a felony or misdemeanor. In no states is drunk driving or drugged driving tolerated.
Is first offense DUI a felony? Because they were arrested and taken to jail, many clients ask, "Is the first time DUI a felony?" Not in any state, unless a crash is caused by the arrested driver and a serious bodily injury (e.g., organic brain damage) or death happened to any other person involved in that wreck.

Felony Driving under the Influence. However, the answer to another common question, "is drinking and driving a felony?" is "not necessarily." Adults (ages 21 and over) in every state are allowed to consume alcohol and then drive, so long as that driver is not too impaired to operate safely.
Felony drunk driving cases (from a 4th DUI or more within ten years) make up a small fraction of annual DUI-DWI cases in the United States. DUI Georgia felony offenses can carry a 5-year prison sentence.
In Georgia, is a DUI considered a felony? The State of Georgia is one of those states that has modernized and enhanced DUI penalties, beginning July 1, 2008, when the Peach State added a felony 4th offense DUI, if occurring within 10 years of the first DUI (using dates of arrest to "measure.")
Felony DUI jail time in Georgia. If convicted, this felony crime brings up to 5 years in prison. If a driver causes a serious injury or death in a crash, they may face extra charges. These charges could increase their prison sentence by 15 years for each person injured or killed.

What to Do If Charged with Felony DUI But Have Not Been Convicted
It is important to contact a Georgia DUI defense attorney who not only knows the law but can effectively represent you in the defense of your serious motor vehicle crime case. Not every law firm has the successful track record of our legal team when fighting a vehicular homicide GA charge.
Obtain a FREE lawyer consultation when you call today at 404-567-5515. If you need to work out a payment plan on legal fees, don't hesitate to ask our DUI attorneys during your no-cost consultation.
Learn the difference between our approach to legal services in felony DUI (driving under the influence) cases. Our job is to prevent a DUI conviction, if at all possible. Having successfully done many thousands of clients' cases in the past, our legal warriors simply ask for that opportunity to help you, too.
A drunk or drugged driving conviction can wreak havoc on your future if a conviction is part of your criminal record. However, being arrested and charged with a DUI in Georgia does not mean that you will be found guilty in court. Contact us for your free consultation lawyer interview.

Related page: DUI attorney near me in Georgia
Client Reviews
Great lawyer helped me out a lot. Very attentive, made me feel comfortable and at ease!! Really knows his stuff - would use him anytime.
Mr. Larry Kohn could not have been more helpful. I sent him a message for a free consultation, and unfortunately my case had to be handled in another state. But he completely walked me through everything I needed to do, and even offered to assist the lawyer I did find in Virginia should they need help with my case. Jamie V.
Mr. Kohn is just amazing. He is truthful and realistic when explaining potential outcomes of your case and doesn’t force you to hire him or anything. When I met him, he went through everything about the case and ways to fight it off first before even telling me about his services. He got my case dismissed and kept me out of a lot of potential problems with school applications and future job opportunities. I highly recommend him to anyone. Anurag G.